To be different, of course. Not really. Well, maybe a little. Ego can be a tricky thing.
As an individual prone to addictive behavior, it was too easy for me to succumb to mindlessly scrolling after receiving hits of dopamine, aka notifications. The minimalists call the urge to pick up your phone a “twitching”.
I also found myself harshly judging others for their behavior, appearance, actions, beliefs, and thoughts. I finally became aware of these negative thought patterns and wasn’t happy with them.
Between the timesink that social media had become – a few minutes scrolling between tasks, while watching television and at multiple other random points of the day, I decided to take a break.
For now, I’m taking a break throughout the end of the year. I still want to be inspired and have a chance of inspiring others. Often, Social Media can be a great platform for this.
So, if I return, I promise to be more intentional. Maybe I will keep my thoughts and life updates confined to this blog and share links on my social media. I’m not sure.
I do know that after two weeks without it, I feel much freer. My creativity and productivity are up. And somehow, I feel a greater love for everyone.
Distracted from distraction by distraction
– T.S. Eliot